BangDB Resource Server
BangDB Resource Server
- It keeps all models, files, any other data for ML
- Implements S3 like interface, API mimics S3 API such that we have consistent user code
- In other scenarios, BRS could be simply S3
- Users are able to create buckets and put data in it
- Access_key, secret_key based access
- Allows user and DB to keep ML-related files in BRS, which are typically large files
- No limit to the size of files that could be stored
Int create_bucket(char*bucket_info); char*list_buckets(char*user_info); Int del_bucket(char*bucket_info);
put_object(bucket_name, key, data, datlen); get_object(bucket_name, key, *data, *datlen); delete_object(bucket_name, key); Int upload_file(char*bucket_info, char*key, char*fpath); Int download_file(char*buc_info, char*key, char*fname, char*fpath);