Table creation requires to define the properties of table hence we need to send a json doc specifying the details. Please see more about the specific of table that could be defined in this documentation.

Method : POST

URI : /db/<db_name>/table


  "table_name": "< table name >",
  "table_type": <table_type>, // WIDE_TABLE (1), NORMAL_TABLE (0) etc...
  "key_type": <key_type>, // string or long (for key type)
  "key_sz": <key_size_bytes>, // if key_type is string then size of key, dfault is 24 in this case
  "allow_duplicate": <0 or 1>,
  "allow_rev_idx": <0 or 1>,
  "version_type": <0 or 1>

Here is some information regarding these parameters.

You don't need to provide all these info unless you are sure, otherwise default is good.

The required (must) attributes are:

  • table name : alphanumeric and "_"(underscore) is allowed. Should be less than 64 bytes (ideally).
  • table type :
  • key type:
  • allow duplicate : set it as 1 if you wish to allow duplicate PKs.
  • allow reverse index : set it as 1 if you wish to enable reverse indexing.

There are more attributes that can be set, please see table-env documentation.


  1. Let's create WIDE_TABLE , with key size 24 (key type as NORMAL_KEY) etc.
  2. curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"table_name":"my_table_test","table_type":1,"key_type":1,"key_sz":24,"allow_duplicate":1,"allow_rev_idx":0,"version_type":1}' -X POST


       "msg": "successfully created the table"

    To insert data into WIDE_TABLE we can use the following API:

    Method : POST

    URI : /db/<db_name>/<table_name>/doc


    {"doc":{"name":"john"}, "_pk":"p1"} // _pk outside doc, DB will take this as _pk
    {"doc":{"name":"john", "_pk":"p1"}} // _pk inside doc, DB will take this as _pk
    {"doc":{"name":"john"}} // _pk is missing, DB will create one (timestamp in microsec)
  3. Let's create NORMAL_TABLE now, with long key type
  4. curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"table_name":"my_table_test2","table_type":0,"key_type":10,"allow_duplicate":1,"allow_rev_idx":0,"version_type":1}' -X POST

    To insert data into NORMAL_TABLE we can use following:

    Method : POST

    URI : /db/<db_name>/<table_name>/doc


    {"doc":"this is a random opaque value", "_pk":1}
  5. There is another way, which is unique for all table types and it's using sql like statement.
  6. Method : POST

    URI : /db/<db_name>/query


    {"sql":"insert statement ..."}

    To insert into WIDE_TABLE, we can use following as body

    {"sql" : "insert into my_table_test values "p1" {"name":"john"}"}

    To insert into NORMAL_TABLE

    {"sql" : "insert into my_table_test2 values 1 " this is a random opaque value ""}


       "retval": 0

    This returns 0 or positive number for success else negative value for error.

Method : POST

URI : /db/<db_name>/query


{"sql":"insert statement ..."}


{"sql" : "select * from my_table_test"}
{"sql" : "select * from my_table_test2"}
