To get training request for a model:

We trained 'sales_model' previously, to view the training request that we sent, we can all this API. As you will see, ML engine adds some more data points to the request for help.

Method : GET

URI : /ml/<schema_name>/<model_name>/request


curl -X GET


         "1648550728424954 : received train request",
         "verification done",
         "retrieved the training file [ sales_model__website__visitor_upload.txt ] from BRS",
         "file reformat done",
         "scaling and tuning the model params, by training many different models",
         "scaling and tuning done, selected params = 0.062500, 4.000000, 704.514490",
         "starting training for model [ sales_model__website ]",
         "1648550728434808 : training successful!"