BangDB vs Other Databases
Feature level comparison
Here is a quick comparison with other databases in the market using the feature level dimensions.

Feature level comparison
The YCSB performance benchmark used to compare the databases. Then other custom frameworks were also used with few other databases to establish the data for varied different goals.
BangDB vs Mongodb, Couchbase, Redis, Yugabyte

BangDB vs Redis - large data set
BangDB performs much better than Redis even though BangDB is a persistence db and handles much more data than available RAM

Redis test could not be completed as it was almost stalled for 100 M read where data was beyond memory

BangDB vs LevelDB - large data set
LevelDB took 3X more time in writing and 5X more time to read 75M Data for Random ops

Levedb random reads performance was quite poor due to the reading data from disk in chunks for segments

BangDB with Hana - integrated