The Graph in BangDB supports following aggregations:

COUNTcounting, this can be used for numerical or categorical/string attributes
UCOUNTunique counting, this can be used for numerical or categorical/string attributes
AVGaverage for numerical type
MINminimum for numerical type
MAXmaxium for numerical type
STDstandard deviation for numerical type
SUMsum/total for numerical type
EXKURTkurtosis for numerical type
SKEWskewness for numerical type

But we often want to aggregate something group by something else. For example, average sales per region, max number of products bought per category, number of unique visitors per page of a website etc. There could also be more than one group by variables, for example, total number of phones purchased in a period of time group by model and color, etc.

The Cypher in BangDB supports these queries in elegant way. We just need to tell what aggregation we wish to do on a particular attribute and then select another attribute in the same query which will be used as group by automatically. Users don't need to specifically define the group by attributes in the query.

Also, it's important to note that we can select as many different aggregates as we wish and different set of groupby keys (non-aggregate keys in the RETURN statement) as we need. Now it's time to look at few queries Let's create different graph and add few triples.

CREATE (person:sachin)-[BUYS {"amount":211.45}]->(product:computer)

CREATE (person:sachin)-[BUYS {"amount":123.75}]->(product:computer)

CREATE (person:manu)-[BUYS {"amount":231.2}]->(product:hardware)

CREATE (person:ramesh)-[BUYS {"amount":345}]->(product:grocery)

CREATE (person:ramesh)-[BUYS {"amount":165.5}]->(product:electronics)

Let's count different persons and number of times they bought any product

S=>(@p person:*)-[@b BUYS]->(@s product:*); RETURN AS buyer, COUNT( AS NUMT
|buyer  |NUMT    |
|manu   |1       |
|ramesh |2       |
|sachin |2       |

As you see, BangDB used buyer as group by attribute and counted the number of times they purchased any products.

Let's count different persons and number of times they bought different unique products.

S=>(@p person:*)-[@b BUYS]->(@s product:*); RETURN AS buyer, COUNT( AS NUMT, UCOUNT( AS unique_prods
|buyer |NUMT|unique_prods|
|manu  |1   | 1          |
|ramesh|2   | 2          |
|sachin|2   | 1          |

Here, we have two aggregates, with single group by.

Let's now also see average sales values (price) for each person along with other values that we are retrieving.

S=>(@p person:*)-[@b BUYS]->(@s product:*); RETURN AS buyer, COUNT( AS NUMT, UCOUNT( AS unique_prods, AVG(b.amount) AS avg_price
|buyer |NUMT|unique_prods|avg_price |
|manu  |1   | 1          |231.200000|
|ramesh|2   | 2          |255.250000|
|sachin|2   | 1          |167.600000|

Now, let's sort the result by avg_price and limit it to 2 rows only

S=>(@p person:*)-[@b BUYS]->(@s product:*); RETURN AS buyer, COUNT( AS NUMT, UCOUNT( AS unique_prods, AVG(b.amount) AS avg_price SORT_DESC avg_price LIMIT 2
|buyer |NUMT|unique_prods|avg_price |
|ramesh|2   |2           |255.250000|
|manu  |1   |1           |231.200000|

This is as simple as that. Let's now see standard deviation, min, max and sum as well.

S=>(@p person:*)-[@b BUYS]->(@s product:*); RETURN AS buyer, COUNT( AS NUMT, UCOUNT( AS unique_prods, AVG(b.amount) AS avg_sales, MIN(b.amount) AS MIN_Price MAX(b.amount) AS MAX_PRICE STD(b.amount) AS STD_DEV_AMOUNT SUM(b.amount) AS SUM_TOTAL
|buyer |NUMT|unique_prods|avg_sales |SUM_TOTAL |STD_DEV_AMOUNT|MAX_PRICE |MIN_Price |
|manu  |1   | 1          |231.200000|231.200000|0             |231.200000|231.200000|
|ramesh|2   | 2          |255.250000|510.500000|126.925667    |345       |165.500000|
|sachin|2   | 1          |167.600000|335.200000|62.013265     |211.450000|123.750000|

Now let's say we wish to see unique results for buyer and product he/she bought

S=>(@p person:*)-[@b BUYS]->(@s product:*); RETURN AS buyer, AS product
|product    |buyer |
|hardware   |manu  |
|computer   |sachin|
|computer   |sachin|
|grocery    |ramesh|

Here we see that the pair sachin and computer are repeating, which is true since sachin bought computer twice, but we wish to see unique pair and for this we will use UNIQUE keyword

S{UNIQUE}=>(@p person:*)-[@b BUYS]->(@s product:*); RETURN AS buyer, AS product
|product    |buyer |
|hardware   |manu |
|computer   |sachin|
|grocery    |ramesh|

It gives us now the desired results. Now let's list unique buyers.

S{UNIQUE}=>(@p person:*)-[@b BUYS]->(@s product:*); RETURN AS buyer
|buyer |
|manu  |

Here we were expecting only unique names, but we see "ramesh" repeated twice. This is because the "UNIQUE" keyword enforces uniqueness of (sub, obj) pair and ramesh bought two different products hence they are unique together.

In order to see unique list based on what we wish to RETURN then we should use "UNIQUE_IN_CONTEXT" since we want query to simply return unique values based on what we return (or select).

S{UNIQUE_IN_CONTEXT}=>(@p person:*)-[@b BUYS]->(@s product:*); RETURN AS buyer
|buyer |
|manu  |