Query for no direct relation
First create a graph table
Let's create following nodes and triples
CREATE (Person:john {"firstname":"John"})
CREATE (Person:joe {"firstname":"Joe"})
CREATE (Person:steve {"firstname":"Steve"})
CREATE (Person:sara {"firstname":"Sara"})
CREATE (Person:maria {"firstname":"Maria"})
CREATE (Person:john)-[FRIEND]->(Person:joe)-[FRIEND]->(Person:steve)
CREATE (Person:john)-[FRIEND]->(Person:sara)-[FRIEND]->(Person:maria)
Query which finds a user called 'John' and 'John's' friends (though not his direct friends) before returning both 'John' and any friends-of-friends that are found.
S=>(@p Person:john)-[@f FRIEND]->(@p2 Person:*)-[@f2 FRIEND]->(@p3 Person:*); RETURN p.name AS self, p3.name AS fof
| self | fof |
| john | steve |
| john | maria |
Query with pattern in the value/field
Next up we will add filtering to set more parts in motion:
We take a list of user names and find all nodes with names from this list, match their friends and return only those followed users who have a 'name' property starting with 'S'.
S=>(@p Person:*)-[@f1 FRIEND]->(@p2 Person:* {name = "s$%"}); RETURN p.name, p2.name
| name | name |
| steve | steve |
| sara | sara |