One of the major goals for Graph is be able to find natural groups or subgroups that may exist within the database. There could be plenty of groups based on different set of properties of the nodes. There are natural groups which exist due to the connections between different nodes, and there can be groups that could be formed based on many different set of dimensions/features.

For example, finding groups in social network would be natural sets of groups solely based on connections between different nodes. On the other hand, we would like to find out different groups of people based on their demography, backgrounds, activities, family structure, buying patterns, interests, hobbies and many more attributes that could be used. The Graph should give us ability to not only find such groups but also to take actions as required such as finding other people in a given group or given a person.

Further we should be able to find the common patterns and based on recommend something to a person from the same group or personalize the content or experiences. These groups are dynamic hence we should be able to create many clusters, whenever we wish and using as many different set of features as we need.

Let's take an example of product recommendation to the users based on their various properties, such as age, education, marital status, number of children etc… Note that we could use totally different set of features for recommending different products or services or for personalization.

Therefore, we will do two things here:

  1. Train clusters based on set of features
  2. Recommend products to a given user based on the clusters (by looking at the most common products bought by the people from same cluster, which are not bought by the user yet)
First, let's put some data, here we will be adding some users' data and their purchase data

CREATE (person:dan {"age":34,"married":1,"num_child":2,"edu":"grad","income":100000,"job":"self"})

CREATE (person:john {"age":21,"married":0,"num_child":0,"edu":"grad","income":30000,"job":"employed"})

CREATE (person:ramesh {"age":24,"married":1,"num_child":0,"edu":"grad","income":20000,"job":"employed"})

CREATE (person:suman {"age":44,"married":1,"num_child":3,"edu":"postgrad","income":200000,"job":"employed"})

CREATE (person:mahesh {"age":32,"married":1,"num_child":0,"edu":"grad","income":90000,"job":"employed"})

CREATE (person:mangesh {"age":38,"married":1,"num_child":1,"edu":"phd","income":190000,"job":"employed"})

CREATE (person:prasad {"age":22,"married":1,"num_child":0,"edu":"grad","income":32000,"job":"employed"})

CREATE (person:sanjay {"age":33,"married":1,"num_child":1,"edu":"grad","income":90000,"job":"self"})

CREATE (person:ankit {"age":54,"married":1,"num_child":2,"edu":"grad","income":320000,"job":"self"})

CREATE (person:ashoke {"age":67,"married":1,"num_child":3,"edu":"grad","income":10000,"job":"none"})

CREATE (person:goyal {"age":71,"married":1,"num_child":2,"edu":"grad","income":12000,"job":"none"})

CREATE (person:mike {"age":62,"married":1,"num_child":4,"edu":"ugrad","income":5000,"job":"none"})

CREATE (person:patrick {"age":37,"married":0,"num_child":0,"edu":"ugrad","income":80000,"job":"employed"})

CREATE (person:ballu {"age":34,"married":1,"num_child":2,"edu":"grad","income":100000,"job":"self"})

CREATE (person:eric {"age":28,"married":0,"num_child":0,"edu":"ugrad","income":30000,"job":"self"})

CREATE (person:susan {"age":28,"married":1,"num_child":2,"edu":"grad","income":24500,"job":"employed"})

CREATE (person:kavita {"age":43,"married":1,"num_child":4,"edu":"postgrad","income":160000,"job":"employed"})

CREATE (person:teresa {"age":31,"married":1,"num_child":0,"edu":"grad","income":70000,"job":"employed"})

CREATE (person:bob {"age":35,"married":1,"num_child":2,"edu":"phd","income":145000,"job":"employed"})

CREATE (person:bill {"age":34,"married":1,"num_child":20,"edu":"grad","income":110000,"job":"employed"})

CREATE (person:steve {"age":31,"married":1,"num_child":1,"edu":"grad","income":120000,"job":"self"})

CREATE (person:marie {"age":68,"married":1,"num_child":2,"edu":"grad","income":2000,"job":"none"})

CREATE (person:shiela {"age":78,"married":1,"num_child":4,"edu":"postgrad","income":500000,"job":"self"})

CREATE (person:mahender {"age":67,"married":1,"num_child":4,"edu":"grad","income":10000,"job":"none"})

CREATE (person:dan)-[BUYS {"price":178.22}]->(product:milk)

CREATE (person:dan)-[BUYS {"price":130.21}]->(product:eggs)

CREATE (person:dan)-[BUYS {"price":233}]->(product:wine)

CREATE (person:john)-[BUYS {"price":78.23}]->(product:milk)

CREATE (person:john)-[BUYS {"price":98.09}]->(product:meat)

CREATE (person:john)-[BUYS {"price":100.20}]->(product:chips)

CREATE (person:ramesh)-[BUYS {"price":98.09}]->(product:meat)

CREATE (person:ramesh)-[BUYS {"price":100.20}]->(product:cigar)

CREATE (person:suman)-[BUYS {"price":100.20}]->(product:milk)

CREATE (person:suman)-[BUYS {"price":98.09}]->(product:meat)

CREATE (person:suman)-[BUYS {"price":100.20}]->(product:water)

CREATE (person:mahesh)-[BUYS {"price":100.20}]->(product:noodle)

CREATE (person:mahesh)-[BUYS {"price":98.09}]->(product:eggs)

CREATE (person:mahesh)-[BUYS {"price":100.20}]->(product:cigar)

CREATE (person:mangesh)-[BUYS {"price":98.09}]->(product:meat)

CREATE (person:mangesh)-[BUYS {"price":100.20}]->(product:water)

CREATE (person:mahesh)-[BUYS {"price":100.20}]->(product:chips)

CREATE (person:prasad)-[BUYS {"price":98.09}]->(product:coffee)

CREATE (person:prasad)-[BUYS {"price":134.23}]->(product:tea)

CREATE (person:sanjay)-[BUYS {"price":104.21}]->(product:milk)

CREATE (person:sanjay)-[BUYS {"price":95.49}]->(product:pencil)

CREATE (person:sanjay)-[BUYS {"price":103.23}]->(product:tea)

CREATE (person:ankit)-[BUYS {"price":92.39}]->(product:meat)

CREATE (person:ankit)-[BUYS {"price":103.27}]->(product:tea)

CREATE (person:ashoke)-[BUYS {"price":132.23}]->(product:chips)

CREATE (person:ashoke)-[BUYS {"price":93.39}]->(product:pen)

CREATE (person:ashoke)-[BUYS {"price":130.23}]->(product:tea)

CREATE (person:goyal)-[BUYS {"price":109.54}]->(product:meat)

CREATE (person:goyal)-[BUYS {"price":105.24}]->(product:coffee)

CREATE (person:goyal)-[BUYS {"price":198.39}]->(product:milk)

CREATE (person:goyal)-[BUYS {"price":120.27}]->(product:pencil)

CREATE (person:mike)-[BUYS {"price":109.54}]->(product:chips)

CREATE (person:mike)-[BUYS {"price":105.24}]->(product:coffee)

CREATE (person:mike)-[BUYS {"price":198.39}]->(product:milk)

CREATE (person:mike)-[BUYS {"price":120.27}]->(product:tea)

CREATE (person:patrick)-[BUYS {"price":125.34}]->(product:coffee)

CREATE (person:patrick)-[BUYS {"price":194.32}]->(product:milk)

CREATE (person:patrick)-[BUYS {"price":121.22}]->(product:tea)

CREATE (person:ballu)-[BUYS {"price":121.32}]->(product:chips)

CREATE (person:ballu)-[BUYS {"price":191.21}]->(product:pencil)

CREATE (person:ballu)-[BUYS {"price":122.45}]->(product:tea)

CREATE (person:eric)-[BUYS {"price":133.89}]->(product:meat)

CREATE (person:eric)-[BUYS {"price":156.36}]->(product:chips)

CREATE (person:eric)-[BUYS {"price":134.56}]->(product:pen)

CREATE (person:eric)-[BUYS {"price":152.55}]->(product:tea)

CREATE (person:susan)-[BUYS {"price":142.56}]->(product:meat)

CREATE (person:susan)-[BUYS {"price":121.43}]->(product:pencil)

CREATE (person:susan)-[BUYS {"price":146.57}]->(product:tea)

CREATE (person:kavita)-[BUYS {"price":123.63}]->(product:coffee)

CREATE (person:kavita)-[BUYS {"price":124.32}]->(product:tea)

CREATE (person:kavita)-[BUYS {"price":148.77}]->(product:pen)

CREATE (person:teresa)-[BUYS {"price":184.86}]->(product:pencil)

CREATE (person:bob)-[BUYS {"price":164.39}]->(product:milk)

CREATE (person:bob)-[BUYS {"price":141.97}]->(product:pencil)

CREATE (person:bill)-[BUYS {"price":104.61}]->(product:pencil)

CREATE (person:bill)-[BUYS {"price":162.32}]->(product:milk)

CREATE (person:bill)-[BUYS {"price":101.57}]->(product:pen)

CREATE (person:steve)-[BUYS {"price":112.34}]->(product:meat)

CREATE (person:steve)-[BUYS {"price":131.72}]->(product:pencil)

CREATE (person:marie)-[BUYS {"price":112.74}]->(product:milk)

CREATE (person:marie)-[BUYS {"price":116.48}]->(product:meat)

CREATE (person:marie)-[BUYS {"price":135.72}]->(product:pen)

CREATE (person:shiela)-[BUYS {"price":126.42}]->(product:milk)

CREATE (person:shiela)-[BUYS {"price":135.76}]->(product:tea)

CREATE (person:marie)-[BUYS {"price":135.72}]->(product:pen)

CREATE (person:mahender)-[BUYS {"price":146.96}]->(product:meat)

CREATE (person:mahender)-[BUYS {"price":135.36}]->(product:coffee)

Let's train the cluster now

S{CLUSTER(user_cluster),3}=>(@p person:*); RETURN AS person, p.age AS age, p.married AS married, p.num_child AS num_child, AS edu, p.income AS income, p.job AS job
   "msg" : [
      "successfully computed the clusters and updated the relations (use 'user_cluster' relation to retrieve the number)"
   "errcode" : 0

We can now single query to get the recommended products based on this cluster. But before that let's also run some interesting queries which most often might be needed.

Find out the cluster id for user 'shiela'

S=>(@p person:shiela)-[@c user_cluster]->(@p2 person:shiela); RETURN c._cluster_ AS cid
|2  |

Now, let's find out all the users belonging to this cluster

S=>(@p person:*)-[@c user_cluster {_cluster_ = 2}]->(@p2 person:*); RETURN AS Name
|Name   |
|suman  |
|bob    |
|kavita |
|shiela |
|ankit  |

We can also do this without running two queries as above (first to figure out the cluster id and then getting all users from the same cluster). We can run following. Note the '$$' attached to person:shiela, this tells the BangDB to first find the cluster id of Shiela and then use this to find all people belonging to the same cluster.

S=>(@p person:*)-[@c user_cluster {_cluster_ = $$person:shiela}]->(@p2 person:*); RETURN AS Name
|Name   |
|suman  |
|bob    |
|kavita |
|shiela |
|ankit  |

Now, let's find top 5 most bought products by the people belonging to the cluster of Shiela, in the descending order of number of times they are bought.

S=>(@p person:*)-[@c user_cluster {_cluster_ = $$person:suman}]->(@p2 person:*)-[@b BUYS]->(@pr product:*); RETURN AS product, COUNT( AS num_times SORT_DESC num_times LIMIT 5
|milk   |3        |
|meat   |3        |
|tea    |3        |
|water  |2        |
|pen    |1        |

To recommend products to a given user, we wish to find the cluster he/she belongs to, then all the people in the cluster, then most common set of products that they bought. Finally we need to remove the products that the user (for whom the recommendation is being done) has bought. This will give us the list of items that should be recommended to the user.

All of the above computations can be written in single query and it will return the recommendation. Here is the query:

<SUBTRACT USING product SORT_DESC num_times LIMIT 3> S1=>(@p person:*)-[@c user_cluster {_cluster_ = $$person:shiela}]->(@p2 person:*)-[@b BUYS]->(@pr product:*); RETURN AS product COUNT( AS num_times SORT_DESC num_times ++ S2=>(@p person:suman)-[@b BUYS]->(@pr product:*); RETURN AS product COUNT( AS num_times SORT_DESC num_times
|tea    |3        |
|pencil |1        |
|pen    |1        |

This single query is enough for such findings which are otherwise quite complex and sometimes involves lots of computations and workflows.

Here is what's happening in the query:

There are two sub queries here. First one is finding the most common set of products bought by the people belonging to the same group as the user. Second query is finding the products bought by the user. And then following command is asking BangDB to subtract the second resultset from the first one and return only top 3 recommended products in sorted order.

<SUBTRACT USING product SORT_DESC num_times LIMIT 3>