Select all the people/persons

S=>(@p Person:*); RETURN AS name, p.fullname AS FullName
|name      | FullName              |
|tom       | Tom Hanks             |
|keanu     | Keanu Reeves          |
|robert    | Robert Zemeckis       |
S=>(@p Person:*); RETURN COUNT(*) AS People
   "count" : 3

Select movie title "The Matrix"

S=>(Movie:* {title="The Matrix"})
   "num_items" : 1,
   "nodes" : [
      "{"title":"The Matrix","released":1997,"label":"Movie","name":"matrix","_pk":"889565392:7007891359330926487","_v":1}

BangDB allows conditions to be also defined for filtering data, such that movie released > 2000

S=>(@p Person:*)-[@r ACTED_IN]->(@m Movie:* {released> 2000}); RETURN p.fullname AS FullName, r.roles AS Roles, m.title AS Title
| FullName    |  Roles         |   Title        |
| Tom Hanks   | ["Zachry"]     |   Cloud Atlas  |

Or in JSON

   "rows" : [
         "Title" : "Cloud Atlas",
         "Roles" : "["Zachry"]",
         "FullName" : "Tom Hanks"