Go to Notification section by clicking on "Notification" icon.

Click on crm settings - BangDB

Once you click on the notification icon you'll land on the notification page with all the notifications listed there on time based selection

Click on manage company - BangDB

You can move these notification as the tickets by clicking on the move to ticket manager button

Click on manage company - BangDB

After clicking on that it will open the ticket creation sidebar with title and description already filled u can edit the title ot u can add the description in more details also both are possible you can modify following these below.

  1. You can assign a ticket by clicking on assignee dropdown
  2. You can add a severity for the ticket
  3. You can add classification for the ticket
  4. You can add due date for the ticket
  5. You can add a attachments also
Click on manage company - BangDB

After filling all the details and click on create the ticket is get created

Click on manage company - BangDB

See moved notifications to tickets

After moving the notification to the ticket management successfully u can access the moved notification by clicking on the tickets tab from the header.

Click on manage company - BangDB

After clicking on the tickets from the header then u can access all the moved notifications tickets from there

Click on manage company - BangDB