Environment API
To get started with BangDB Server, we need to create the environment for the BangDB.
Create the BangDB Env object by calling the constructor which takes DBParam as argument
BangDBEnv(DBParam dbp);
The DBParam is structure which defines the parameters for database. You may leave it NULL for defualt to be used or initialise it for overriding the param values. To verify the database
DBParam *verifyDatabase(const char *dbname);
It returns DBParam for the database "dbname"
, user should delete the reference as required to get the host ip and port
char *getHost();
char *getPort();
To close the database (this can be done by just deleting the database object as well)
void closeDatabase(BangDBDatabase *bdb, CloseType dbclose = DEFAULT_AT_CLIENT);
Finally to delete the env object
virtual ~BangDBEnv();