Step 1: Visit BangDB Website

Go to the BangDB website by clicking on this link or paste the URL in your browser .

BangDB Website Home

Step 2: Click "Get Started on BangDB Cloud"

On the BangDB website, locate and click on the Get Started button for BangDB Cloud.

Get Started Button

Step 3: Redirect to BangDB Cloud Install Page

You will be redirected to the BangDB Cloud install page with pricing details.

BangDB Cloud Install Page

Step 4: Explore Pricing Options

On the pricing page, you can view both monthly and yearly pricing. Toggle between USD and INR currencies to see changes.

Pricing Options

Step 5: Select a Subscription

From this page, choose one of the three options: Community, Base, or Pro. Select any subscription based on your preference.

Subscription Options

Step 6: Option for Free Trial

To use the free version or trial, select the Community version and click on the Get Started button.

Free Trial Selection

Step 7: Sign Up

After clicking the Get Started button, a signup popup will appear. Fill in the basic details required to sign up.

Signup Popup

Step 8: Complete Signup

Once you have provided the required details, click the Sign Up button.

Complete Signup

Step 9: Installation Process

Once signup is completed, the BangDB Cloud installation process will start. The progress bar will display the steps and their estimated completion time.

Installation Progress

Step 10: Installation Confirmation

Once all the steps are completed, the same page will display aninstallation confirmation. You will also receive theAmpere link in the same popup. Use the link to visit your configured instance.

Installation Confirmation Popup

Step 11: Completion

The steps will be processed sequentially. Completed steps will show a green check mark.

Completion with Green Checkmarks

Step 11: Receive Credentials

After all steps are completed, your User ID, Password, and Ampere Link will be sent to the email ID you provided during signup.

Credentials Email