
There are very few APIs here to deal with. For simplicity, naming has been done to help understand the API.

Here is the convention:

Key/val - operations
val is opaque data, text, fixed native type etc.
index is not supported
put(), get(), del(), scan() are the ops

Document data
index is supported
put_doc(), scan_doc(), get(), del() are ops
put_text() & scan_text() are used

when we wish to store text with reverse indexing fr entire text. The text is normal sentence and not necessarily json (mostly not json, for json use put_doc() and scan_doc())

Large data, files etc.
put_file(), put_large_data(), get_file(), get_large_data(), and few more apis
Index can't be created
primary key has to be COMPOSITE type

Please see more on this at bangdb common.

Following is the API details:

int closeTable(CloseType tblCloseType = DEFAULT, char *newname = NULL, bool force_close = false);

This closes the table and return 0 for success and -1 for error. bangdb_closeType is as defined above. Table maintains open reference count hence it will not close if there are open references to the table. When open reference is 0 then it will close. However, if we wish to override this behaviour then we must pass force_close = true.

int addIndex(const char *idxName, TableEnv *tenv);

This is the generic api for adding index for a table. The TableEnv describes the index type etc. It returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

// always creates index with following property 
log = off
int addIndex_str(const char *idxName, int idx_size, bool allowDuplicates);

This is special helper function for index creation. When we wish to add index for string type, then we use this method. idx_size is size in byte for the index keys that should be allowed. allowDuplicates sets if duplicate values will be allowed or not. It returns -1 for error and 0 for success.

int addIndex_num(const char *idxName, bool allowDuplicates);

This is special helper function for index creation. When we wish to add index for number type, then we use this method. Allowduplicates sets if duplicate values will be allowed or not. It returns -1 for error and 0 for success.

int dropIndex(const char *idxName);

This will drop the index and clear the related data from the file system and database. It returns -1 for error and 0 for success.

bool hasIndex(const char *idxName);

This returns reference to the TableEnv for the index for the given indexname. If you just need reference then set copy = false, in this case never delete the returned reference. If you wish copy then you must delete and clear the memory. For error it returns NULL.

TableEnv *getTableEnv();

This returns the copy of TableEnv reference for the table and user must delete it after use. For error it returns NULL.

int dumpData();

This dumps the data for the table which forces all data for the table to be written on the filesystem. It returns -1 for error and 0 for success.

const char *getName();

This returns name of the table, and user should delete it. It returns NULL for error.

const char *getTableDir();

This returns full table path on file system, else returns NULL for error. User should delete this.

IndexType getIndexType();

This returns index type for the table. Index type is for the primary key for the database. Here are the options of the index type.

HASH, // Not Supported
EXTHASH, // Supported, for hash keys
BTREE, // Supported, for sorted order
HEAP, // Deprecated
INVALID_INDEX_TYPE, // Invalid type
const char *getStats(bool verbose = true);

This will return json string for table stats. Verbose will dictate the brevity of the response. For errors, it will return NULL.

// for files - supported only for LARGE_TABLE
long putFile(FDT *key, const char *file_path, InsertOptions iop);

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTable_type). We can upload small or very large file using this api. Key is typically file id (string only) and file_path is the actual location of file on the server. As of now it takes local file path, but in next version it may take network or url as well. InsertOptions define how do we wish to put the file or data and the options are:

INSERT_UNIQUE, // if non-existing then insert else return
UPDATE_EXISTING, // if existing then update else return
INSERT_UPDATE, // insert if non-existing else update
DELETE_EXISTING, // delete if existing
UPDATE_EXISTING_INPLACE, // only for inplace update
INSERT_UPDATE_INPLACE, // only for inplace update

Last two options should be used with caution and we will discuss more on this later. This returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

long getFile(FDT *key, const char *fname, const char *fpath);

This returns the reference to the DBParam supplied during getInstance call. Please note it's reference therefore it should never be deleted by the user. DB should only clean it.

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTable_type). We can get the file from the server identified by the key and name the file as fname and store in the fpath on local system. This returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

long putLargeData(FDT *key, FDT *val, InsertOptions iop);

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTable_type). We can use this api to put large binary data (not file) identified with key (string only). Iop describes the insert options as explained above. It returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

long getLargeData(FDT *key, char **buf, long *len);

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTable_type). We can use this api to get large data from the table identified with key. The data will be stored in buf and length of the data in len variable. For success it returns 0 else -1 for error.

char *listLargeData_keys(char *skey = NULL, int list_size_mb = MAX_ResultSet_SIZE);

This returns list of large data keys. list_size_mb defines if we need to restrict the list size, default is MAX_ResultSet_SIZE. The return value is json string, and it contains the last key which should be used for recursive subsequent calls.

int countSliceLargeData(FDT *key);

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTable_type). BangDB stores large data in chunks or slices and this api will help us count the slices for the given data (file or binary data) identified by the key. It returns num of slices for success else -1 for error.

long countLargeData();

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTable_type). It returns count of large data in the db, else -1 for error.

int delLargeData(FDT *key);

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTable_type). It deletes the large data identified with the key and returns 0 on success and -1 for error.

// for opaque data
long put(FDT *key, FDT *val, InsertOptions flag = INSERT_UNIQUE, Transaction *txn = NULL);

This is used for Normal Table type (see BangDBTable_type). It puts key and val in to the table. If this put operation is within transaction boundary then pass the transaction reference as well. It returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

long put(FDT *key, DATA_VAR *val, InsertOptions flag = INSERT_UNIQUE, Transaction *txn = NULL);

This is used for Normal Table type (see BangDBTable_type). It puts key and val in to the table. If this put operation is within transaction boundary then pass the transaction reference as well. Here it's very similar to previous put, except that it takes DATA_VAR for val, where user can define few other things and also use pre allocated buffer for val, useful when we want to avoid too many memory creation and deletion on heap. It returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

ResultSet * scan(
  ResultSet * prev_rs,
  FDT * pk_skey, FDT * pk_ekey,
  scan_filter * sf = NULL,
  DATA_VAR * dv = NULL,
  Transaction * txn = NULL

This is used for Normal Table type (see BangDBTable_type). This scans the data between sk and ek, the two primary keys. Either or both of these primary keys could be NULL. The scan_filter describes how to scan. Please note that the prev_rs argument should be NULL for the first call and for subsequent call it should be the rs returned on the previous call. This to ensure that recursive scan works without any issues.

Here is the definition of scan_filter:

scan_operator skey_op; // default GTE
scan_operator ekey_op; // default LTE
scan_limit_by limitby; // default LIMIT_RESULT_SIZE
short only_key = 0; // if we wish to retrieve only key and no value
short reserved = 0; // see notes below;
int limit; // default 2MB (MAX_ResultSet_SIZE) for LIMIT_RESULT_SETSIZE
int skip_count; // this is set by the db during scan, don't touch
void *arg; // any extra arg, interpreted by the callee


Reserved has different meaning for different numbers.

  • 0 - default value, don't do anything [ no interpretation ]
  • 1 to 9 - select the key for secidx for this idx in the array [ in the order of defining the idx ], note this value starts from 1, in code it should be from 0 (i-1)
  • 10 - select first one only from sec idx [ among duplicates ] for EQ
  • 11 - select last one only from sec idx [ among duplicates ] for EQ
  • 12 - means interpret arg as secidx_pkinfo object ptr
  • 13 - use linear scan and not through secondary indexes
  • 14 - use partial as well, useful for scan_text, rev idx scan, we would like to select partial ones as well.
// for text data, supported for only WIDE_TABLE
// reverse indexes the data (str) 
// FDT *key, if null then timestamp 
long putText(const char *str, int len, FDT *k = NULL, InsertOptions flag = INSERT_UNIQUE);

This api is for wide table only. Tt's used to put text which will be reversed indexed fully. User may provide some key or else timestamp will be used. Supported for only WIDE_TABLE. It returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

ResultSet *scanText(const char *wlist[], int nfilters, bool intersect = false);

This is to search using list of keys/ tokens/ words. Wlist is a list of all tokens that would be used for searching, nfilters tells the number of tokens in the list, and intersect boolean tells if we need to search with OR(false) or AND(true) condition. It returns ResultSet for success or NULL for error.

long putDoc(const char *doc, FDT *pk = NULL, const char *rev_idx_fields_json = NULL, InsertOptions flag = INSERT_UNIQUE);

This APIs for for wide table only, and to put json document pointed by doc. Pk is primary key if any, rev_idx_fields describes if there are set of fields that should be reversed indexed.

rev_idx_fields_json = {"_rev_idx_all":0, "_rev_idx_key_list":["name", "city"]}

Secondary indexed are defined using addindex API as described previously. put_doc updates all indexes accordingly. If pk is NULL then BangDB uses timestamp as key, if rev_idx_fields_json is NULL then it doesn't do reversed indexing and default InsertOptions is INSERT_UNIQUE. Upon success, it returns 0 else -1.

ResultSet * scanDoc(
    ResultSet * prev_rs, FDT * pk_skey = NULL,
    FDT * pk_ekey = NULL,
    const char * idx_filter_json = NULL,
    scan_filter * sf = NULL

This is used for wide table only. It's used for scanning the db for query. Query could combine primary index, secondary indexes and reversed indexes (through idx_filter_json) idx_filter_json can be defined directly by writing a json query or dataQuery type could be used to create the query in simple manner. Here is how the query looks like:

{"joinop":0},{"match_words":"sachin, rahul","joinop":1,"field":"name.first"}]}"

The query is combining secondary index “city.name” and reversed index “name.first”. Joinop = 0 means AND, therefore, fetch all the documents where name of the city is paris and first name contains sachin or rahul.



Here the query is find all documents where name is “sachin” and age is greater than 40. Both name and age are secondary indexes. We don't use reversed index here. Further, we can query for following:

{"query":[{"key":"price","cmp_op":3,"val":"$quote"}], "qtype":2}

Here query says find all documents where price is less than quote in the same doc. etc. Please see the query section for detail discussion on this. Upon success it returns ResultSet else NULL for error.

int get(FDT *key, FDT **val, Transaction *txn = NULL);

This could be used for any table except large table. Given a key, it will return value in val attribute. This returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

int get(FDT *key, DATA_VAR *val, Transaction *txn = NULL);

This could be used for any table except large table. Given a key, it will return value in val attribute. Please note val is DATA_VAR here, which can be used for avoiding creation of too many object on heap and then deletion. This returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

long del(FDT *key, Transaction *txn = NULL);

This could be used for all table types. It deletes the data defined by key. It returns 0 for success else -1 for error.

long count(FDT *pk_skey, FDT *pk_ekey, const char *idx_filter_json = NULL, scan_filter *sf = NULL);

We can cound the number of documents, or rows using this method with supplied query filter. This could also take primary index, secondary indexes and reverse index all together or as needed. It returns count if successful else -1 for error.

long expCount(FDT *skey, FDT *ekey);

This API returns expected count between two keys. Please note this is not the exact count but a rough measurement. If there are large number of keys in the table and we wish to know rough estimate of count, then this function can be very efficient and fast with very less overhead. Returns count if successful else -1 for error.

long count();

This convenient function or special api for previous count() api where it counts all the documents or rows in the table. It works for normal and wide table.

void printStats();

This API prints stats of the table

void setAutoCommit(bool flag);

This is used if we wish to enable auto commit for single operation.

bool isSameAs(BangDBTable *tbl);

Returns true if this table is same as the given table, else returns false.

BangDBTable_type getTableType();

Following is the API details:

public int closeTable(CloseType closeType, boolean force)

This closes the table and return 0 for success and -1 for error. bangdb_closeType is as defined above. Table maintains open reference count, hence it will not close if there are open references to the table. When open reference is 0 then it will close. However, if we wish to override this behaviour then we must pass force_close = true.

public int addIndex(String idxName, TableEnv tenv)

This is the generic API for adding index for a table. The TableEnv describes the index type etc. It returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

public int addIndex_str(String idxName, int idx_size, boolean allowDuplicates)

This is special helper function for index creation. When we wish to add index for string type, then we use this method. idx_size is size in byte for the index keys that should be allowed. allowDuplicates sets if duplicate values will be allowed or not. It returns -1 for error and 0 for success.

public int addIndex_num(String idxName, boolean allowDuplicates)

This is special helper function for index creation. When we wish to add index for number type, then we use this method. Allowduplicates sets if duplicate values will be allowed or not. It returns -1 for error and 0 for success.

public int dropIndex(String idxName)

This will drop the index and clear the related data from the file system and database. It returns -1 for error and 0 for success.

public boolean hasIndex(String idxName)

This returns boolean if the given index is defined for the table or not.

public int dumpData()

This dumps the data for the table which forces all data for the table to be written on the filesystem. It returns -1 for error and 0 for success.

public String getName()

This returns name of the table, It returns null for error.

public String getTableDir()

This returns full table path on file system, else returns null for error.

public IndexType getIndexType()

This returns index type for the table. Index type is for the primary key for the database.

Here are the options of the index type:

HASH, //Not Supported
EXTHASH, //Supported, for hash keys
BTREE, //Supported, for sorted order
HEAP, //Deprecated
INVALID_INDEX_TYPE, //Invalid type
public String getStats(boolean verbose)

This will return json string for table stats. Verbose will dictate the brevity of the response. For errors, it will return null.

public long putFile(String key, String file_path, InsertOptions iop)

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTableType). We can upload small or very large file using this API. Key is typically file id (string only) and file_path is the actual location of file on the server. As of now it takes local file path, but in next version it may take network or url as well. insert_options define how do we wish to put the file or data and the options are:

public DBParam getParam()

This returns dbParam used to create the DB object.

public String getName()

This returns name of the database or null for error.

public long getFile(String key, String fname, String fpath)

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTableType). We can get the file from the server identified by the key and name the file as fname and store in the fpath on local system. This returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

public long putLargeData(String key, byte[] val, InsertOptions iop)

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTableType). We can use this API to put large binary data (not file) identified with key (string only). Iop describes the insert options as explained above. It returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

public byte[] getLargeData(String key)

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTableType). We can use this API to get large data from the table identified with key. The data will be stored in buf and length of the data in len variable. For success it returns 0 else -1 for error.

public String listLargeDataKeys(String skey, int list_size_mb)

This returns list of large data keys. list_size_mb defines if we need to restrict the list size, default is MAX_RESULTSET_SIZE. The return value is json string, and it contains the last key which should be used for recursive subsequent calls.

public int countSliceLargeData(String key)

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTableType). BangDB stores large data in chunks or slices and this api will help us count the slices for the given data (file or binary data) identified by the key. It returns num of slices for success else -1 for error.

public long countLargeData()

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTableType). It returns count of large data in the db, else -1 for error.

public int delLargeData(String key)

This is only supported for Large Table type (see BangDBTableType). It deletes the large data identified with the key and returns 0 on success and -1 for error.

// for opaque data
public long put(String key, byte[] val, InsertOptions flag, Transaction txn)

This is used for Normal Table type (see BangDBTableType). It puts key and val in to the table. If this put operation is within transaction boundary then pass the transaction reference as well. It returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

public long put(long key, byte[] val, InsertOptions flag, Transaction txn)

Same as above except the key is long type here.

public ResultSet scan(ResultSet prev_rs, String pk_skey, String pk_ekey, ScanFilter sf, Transaction txn)

This is used for Normal Table type (see BangDBTableType). This scans the data between sk and ek, the two primary keys. Either or both of these primary keys could be null. The scan_filter describes how to scan.

Here is the definition of scan_filter:

scan_operator skey_op; // default GTE
scan_operator ekey_op; // default LTE
scan_limit_by limitby; // default LIMIT_RESULT_SIZE
short only_key = 0; // if we wish to retrieve only key and no value
short reserved = 0; // see notes below;
int skip_count; // this is set by the db during scan, don't touch
void *arg; // any extra arg, interpreted by the callee reserved


Reserved has different meaning for different numbers.

  • 0 - default value, don't do anything [ no interpretation ]
  • 1 to 9 - select the key for secidx for this idx in the array [ in the order of defining the idx ], note this value starts from 1, in code it should be from 0 (i-1)
  • 10 - select first one only from sec idx [ among duplicates ] for EQ
  • 11 - select last one only from sec idx [ among duplicates ] for EQ
  • 12 - means interpret arg as secidx_pkinfo object ptr
  • 13 - use linear scan and not through secondary indexes
  • 14 - use partial as well, useful for scan_text, rev idx scan, we would like to select partial ones as well.
public ResultSet scan(ResultSet prev_rs, long pk_skey, long pk_ekey, ScanFilter sf, Transaction txn)

Same as above except pk_skey and pk_ekey are of long type.

public ResultSet scan(ResultSet prev_rs, byte[] pk_skey, byte[] pk_ekey, ScanFilter sf, Transaction txn)

Same as above except pk_skey and pk_ekey are of byte array type.

// for text data 
// reverse indexes the data (str) 
// FDT key, if null then timestamp 
public long putText(String str, String k, InsertOptions flag)

This API is for wide table only. it's used to put text which will be reversed indexed fully. User may provide some key or else timestamp will be used. It returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

public long putText(String str, long k, InsertOptions flag)

Same as above except the key is long type.

public ResultSet scanText(String[] wlist, boolean intersect)

This is to search using list of keys / tokens / words. Wlist is a list of all tokens that would be used for searching, nfilters tells the number of tokens in the list, and intersect boolean tells if we need to search with OR(false) or AND(true) condition. It returns resultset for success or NULL for error.

public long putDoc(String doc, String pk, String rev_idx_fields_json, InsertOptions flag)

This APIs for for wide table only, and to put json document pointed by doc. Pk is primary key if any, rev_idx_fields describes if there are set of fields that should be reverse indexed.

rev_idx_fields_json = {"_rev_idx_all":0, "_rev_idx_key_list":["name", "city"]}
public long putDoc(String doc, byte[] pk, String rev_idx_fields_json, InsertOptions flag)

Same as above except pk is byte array type

public long putDoc(String doc, long pk, String rev_idx_fields_json, InsertOptions flag)

Same as above except pk is long type

public ResultSet scanDoc(ResultSet prev_rs, String pk_skey, String pk_ekey, String idx_filter_json, ScanFilter sf)

This is used for wide table only. It's used for scanning the db for query. Query could combine primary index, secondary indexes and reversed indexes (through idx_filter_json) idx_filter_json can be defined directly by writing a json query or dataQuery type could be used to create the query in simple manner. Here is how the query looks like:

{"joinop":0},{"match_words":"sachin, rahul","joinop":1,"field":"name.first"}]}"

The query is combining secondary index “city.name” and reversed index “name.first”. Joinop = 0 means AND, therefore, fetch all the documents where name of the city is paris and first name contains sachin or rahul.



Here the query is find all documents where name is “sachin” and age is greater than 40. Both name and age are secondary indexes. We don't use reversed index here. Further, we can query for following:

{"query":[{"key":"price","cmp_op":3,"val":"$quote"}], "qtype":2}

Here query says find all documents where price is less than quote in the same doc. etc. Please see the query section for detail discussion on this. Upon success it returns resultset else null for error.

public ResultSet scanDoc(ResultSet prev_rs, long pk_skey, long pk_ekey, String idx_filter_json, ScanFilter sf)

Same as above except pk_skey and pk_ekey are of long type

public ResultSet scanDoc(ResultSet prev_rs, byte[] pk_skey, byte[] pk_ekey, String idx_filter_json, ScanFilter sf)

Same as above except pk_skey and pk_ekey are of byte array type

public byte[] get(String key, Transaction txn)

This could be used for any table except large table. Given a key, it will return value in val attribute. This returns 0 for success and -1 for error.

public byte[] get(long key, Transaction txn)

Same as above except key is of long type

public long del(String key, Transaction txn)

This could be used for all table types. It deletes the data defined by key. It returns 0 for success else -1 for error.

public long del(long key, Transaction txn)

Same as above except key is of long type

public long count(String pk_skey, String pk_ekey, String idx_filter_json, ScanFilter sf)

We can cound the number of documents, or rows using this method with supplied query filter. This could also take primary index, secondary indexes and reverse index all together or as needed. It returns count if successful else -1 for error.

public long count(long pk_skey, long pk_ekey, String idx_filter_json, ScanFilter sf)

Same as above except pk_skey and pk_ekey are of long type

public long expCount(String skey, String ekey)

This API returns expected count between two keys. Please note this is not the exact count but a rough measurement. If there are large number of keys in the table and we wish to know rough estimate of count, then this function can be very efficient and fast with very less overhead. Returns count if successful else -1 for error.

public long expCount(long skey, long ekey)

Same as above except skey and ekey are of long type

public long count()

This convenient function or special api for previous count() api where it counts all the documents or rows in the table. It works for normal and wide table.

public void setAutoCommit(boolean flag)

This is used if we wish to enable auto commit for single operation.

public boolean isSameAs(BangDBTable tbl)

Returns true if this table is same as the given table, else returns false.

public TableType getTableType()

This returns table type, more covered in BangDBTableType subsequently.