DBParam is used to set the several parameters to get the BangDB Environment. Some of the parameters are host ip, port, ssl/non-ssl, transaction type etc. Client connecting with each different DBs will have separate DBParams.


To get the DB Param environment


To set host IP

void setHost(const char *host);

To set PORT on which server will be running

void setPort(const char *port);

To set path to bangdb.config file

void setDbConfigPath(const char *dbconfigPath);

To set path where db files will be kept

void setDbPath(const char *dbPath);

To set path where log files will be kept

void setLogPath(const char *logPath);

To set path where archive files will be kept

void setArchivePath(const char *archivePath);

To open db in transactional or non-transactional mode

void setTransactionType(TransactionType tranType);

To set for sock connection

void setInitSockConn(bool flag);

This is to specify if we need to init the socket connection.

To set secure connection

void setSecureConn(bool flag);

To get host IP address

const char *getHost();

User should free the returned data using delete[].

To get host PORT

const char *getPort();

User should free the returned data using delete[].

To get location of bangdb.config file

const char *getDbConfigPath();

User should free the returned data using delete[].

To get location of DB files

const char *getDbPath();

User should free the returned data using delete[].

To get location of log files

const char *getLogPath();

User should free the returned data using delete[].

To get location of archive files

const char *getArchivePath();

User should free the returned data using delete[].

To get the transaction type

TransactionType getTranType();

To check sock connection

bool getInitSockConn();

To check for secure connection

bool getSecureConn();

To get status for verification for DB parameters

public boolean get_just_verify()

To verify DB parameters

public void set_just_verify(boolean just_verify)

To check for sock connections

public boolean get_init_sock_conns()

This returns boolean that represent init the socket connection.

To set sock connection

public void set_init_sock_conns(boolean _init_sock_conns)

This is to specify if we need to init the socket connection.

To check for TLS connection

public boolean get_is_tls_conn()

To set TLS connection

public void set_is_tls_conn(boolean _is_tls_conn)

This is the set whether to use ssl/tls based secure channel or not.

To get Host IP address and PORT

public String get_host()
public String get_port()

To get user id

public String get_userid()

To set user id

public void set_userid(String _userid)

To get password

public String get_pwd()

To set password

public void set_pwd(String _pwd)

To get location of log files

public String get_archivePath()

To set path where archive files will be kept

public void set_archivePath(String _archivePath)

To set path where DB files will be kept

public void setDBPath(String dbPath)

To get location of DB files

public String getDBPath()

To set path where log files will be kept

public void setLogPath(String logPath)

To get location of log files

public String getLogPath()

To set path to bangdb.config file

public void setDBConfigPath(String dbconfigPath)

To set client config file path

public void setClientConfigPath(String clconfigPath)

To get location of bangdb.config file

public String getDBConfigPath()

To get path location of client config file

public String getClientConfigPath()

To set transaction type

public void setTransactionType(TransactionType tranType)

To get the Transaction type set

public TransactionType getTransactionType()