Tryout different operations and play with the DB

Download and Install BangDB

You may download BangDB in many different ways. Here are four ways in which BangDB binaries could be downloaded:

  1. Download the tar file from the download page
  2. Clone the github binary repository.
  3. Simply use wget
  4. Use Docker image from here.

Check out the instructions at server install for detail info.

Tryout & play with the DB

Download the PDF document and follow the instruction


The doc covers many different use cases from DB to Stream to ML etc. You may get fairly good idea about the coverage. However, to dig deeper, you may need to leverage other features as well.

ML Use cases

Few real world use cases are taken from Kaggle that can be easily solved on BangDB using CLI is attached as well. Go to ML Usecase section to check it out.

YCSB Benchmark

YCSB benchmark can be run and you may compare BangDB with other databases as well. Please see BangDB YCSB benchmark for more information. Please also use and refer if you need more information on any front.