
To get instance of BangDB Resource Manager

BangDB Resource Manager (BangDBEnv *bdb);

To initialize the BRS

int init_brs_meta();

To create a bucket

int create_bucket(const char *bucket_info);

bucket_info is the name of the bucket to be created. It returns -1 for error.

To get list of buckets present in BRS

char *list_all_buckets(const char *user_info);

It returns NULL for error else the list of the buckets. Users should use delete[] the returned string.

To count the number of buckets present in the BRS

long count_buckets();

It returns -1 for error else the count.

To delete a bucket

int delete_bucket(const char *bucket_info);

It returns -1 for error else 0 or more than 0.

To upload an object into a bucket

long put_object(const char *bucket_info, const char *key, const char *data, long datlen, bool force = false);

Here, bucket_info is the bucket name and key is the unique name given by the user to the object to be uploaded. It returns -1 for error else 0 or more than 0.

To download an object from a bucket in BRS

long get_object(const char *bucket_info, const char *key, char **data, long *datlen);

It returns -1 for error else 0 or more than 0. Users should delete or free the returned data using delete[].

To upload a file into a bucket

long put_file(const char *bucket_info, const char *key, const char *fpath, InsertOptions iop, bool force = false);

It returns -1 for error else 0 or more than 0.

To download a file from a bucket to local system

long get_file(const char *bucket_info, const char *key, const char *fname, const char *fpath);

Key is the unique name/id provided by user or bangdb to refre that file and fpath is the location where the file will be downloaded with fname as file name. It returns -1 for error else 0 or more than 0.

To delete an object in a bucket

int del_object(const char *bucket_info, const char *key);

It returns -1 for error else 0 or more than 0.

To count the number of large objects present in a bucket

int count_slices(const char *bucket_info, const char *key);

It returns -1 for error else the slice count.

To count current number of objects for the bucket

long count_objects(const char *bucket_info);

It returns -1 for error else the slice count.

To list all object present

char *list_objects(const char *bucket_info, const char *skey, int list_size_mb);

It returns NULL for error or the list of objects. Users should free the returned data using delete[].

To closed a bucket

int close_bucket(const char *bucket_info);

It returns -1 for error else 0 or positive number.

To closed resource manager

int close_resource_manager(CloseType closetype = DEFAULT_AT_CLIENT, bool force = false);

It returns -1 for error or 0 or positive number.