
Here is a sample program which does most of the operations to help you understand the API and their usage.

bool flag = true;
DBParam dp;
BangDBDatabase * bdb = new BangDBDatabase("mydb", & dp);
if (!bdb) {
    printf("db could not be created, quitting\n");
    // return or handle error
// db_param sets the db environment, see the section to know more about it
TableEnv te;
// let's create long primary key type
// enable reversed index
BangDBTable * wide_tbl = bdb -> getTable("my_wide_tbl", & te, OPENCREATE);
if (!wide_tbl) {
    printf("we could not create the table my_wide_tbl\n");
    flag = false;
    // handle error
// now put in wide table
const char * doc1 = "{\"name\":\"sachin\", \"org\":\"bangdb\", \"address\":{\"city\":\"Bangalore\",\"state\":\"KA\"}, \"fav_quote\":\"We build too many walls and not enough bridges\"}";
long pk = 123;
FDT k, v;
_set_fdt( & k, pk);
// since we wish to put document, hence we will call put_doc
if (wide_tbl -> putDoc(doc1, & k) < 0) {
    printf("put_doc failed\n");
    flag = false;
    // handle error
// suppose we wish to now create index for name and address.city and reverse index fav_quote text then we will need to do following;
// let's create the index first, name of the index should be the field name on which we wish to add index
// supply max size of the index and specify whether to allows duplicate index or not
wide_tbl -> addIndex_str("name", 32, true);
wide_tbl -> addIndex_str("address.city", 32, true);
// also prepare to tell db to reverse index "fav_quote" and "state" fields
const char * rev_idx = "{\"_rev_idx_all\":0, \"_rev_idx_key_list\":[\"fav_quote\", \"state\"]}";
const char * doc2 = "{\"name\":\"arjun\", \"org\":\"bangdb\", \"address\":{\"city\":\"San jose\",\"state\":\"CA\"}, \"fav_quote\":\"Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown\"}";
bangdb_table::add_long_to_fdt(124, & k);
if (wide_tbl -> putDoc(doc2, & k, rev_idx) < 0) {
    printf("put doc failed with rev_idx\n");
    flag = false;
    // handle error
// to get data now
FDT * outv = NULL;
_set_fdt( & k, 123);
if (wide_tbl -> get( & k, & outv) < 0) {
    printf("get failed\n");
    flag = false;
    // handle error
// to ensure here for test (not needed otherwise)
else {
    printf("doc = %s\n", (char * ) outv -> data);
if (outv) {
    outv -> free();
    delete outv;
// please note that the doc has the pk also added, this happens with documents only
// query1 = scan all documents
ResultSet * rs = NULL;
while (true) {
    rs = wide_tbl -> scanDoc(rs);
    if (!rs) break;
    while (rs -> hasNext()) {
        printf("key = %ld, val = %s\n", rs -> getNextKeyLong(), rs -> getNextValStr());
        rs -> moveNext();
// query2 = scan for documents having name equal to sachin
rs = NULL;
DataQuery dq;
dq.addQuery("name", EQ, "sachin", JO_INVALID);
while (true) {
    rs = wide_tbl -> scanDoc(rs, NULL, NULL, dq.getQuery());
    if (!rs) break;
    while (rs -> hasNext()) {
        printf("key = %ld, val = %s\n", rs -> getNextKeyLong(), rs -> getNextValStr());
        rs -> moveNext();
// you will notice that even though we didn't create index on name until the first doc with name "sachin" was inserted,
// therefore we didn't get the result, however there is a way to still fetch, we can use following
rs = NULL;
ScanFilter sf;
sf.reserved = 13;
// magic num to tell db to fetch anyway, but note, this is not as efficient hence avoid unless required
while (true) {
    rs = wide_tbl -> scanDoc(rs, NULL, NULL, dq.getQuery(), & sf);
    if (!rs) break;
    while (rs -> hasNext()) {
        printf("key = %ld, val = %s\n", rs -> getNextKeyLong(), rs -> getNextValStr());
        rs -> moveNext();
// query3 = scan for document with name equal to arjun and city san jose
rs = NULL;
dq.addQuery("name", EQ, "arjun", JO_INVALID);
dq.addQuery("address.city", EQ, "San jose", JO_AND);
while (true) {
    rs = wide_tbl -> scanDoc(rs, NULL, NULL, dq.getQuery());
    if (!rs) break;
    while (rs -> hasNext()) {
        printf("key = %ld, val = %s\n", rs -> getNextKeyLong(), rs -> getNextValStr());
        rs -> moveNext();
// query4 = scan for documents where the fav_quote has "crown" token/word and city "san jose"
rs = NULL:
dq.addQuery("address.city", EQ, "San jose", JO_INVALID);
dq.addQuery("crown, head", JO_AND, JO_AND, "fav_quote");
while (true) {
    rs = wide_tbl -> scanDoc(rs, NULL, NULL, dq.getQuery());
    if (!rs) break;
    while (rs -> hasNext()) {
        printf("key = %ld, val = %s\n", rs -> getNextKeyLong(), rs -> getNextValStr());
        rs -> moveNext();
delete wide_tbl;
bdb -> closeDatabase(DEFAULT);
delete bdb;
System.out.println("load banagdb-java successful");
boolean flag = true;
DBParam dbp = new DBParam();
BangDBDatabase bdb = new BangDBDatabase("mydb", dbp);
if(bdb != null) { 
    System.out.println("java - bdb created");
    flag = false;

TableEnv tenv = new TableEnv();
BangDBTable tbl = bdb.getTable("mynormal_table", tenv, OpenType.OPENCREATE);
if(tbl != null) { 
    System.out.println("java - tbl created"); 
    flag = false;

System.out.println("table name = " + tbl.getName());
System.out.println("table dir = " + tbl.getTableDir());
System.out.println("table index type = " + tbl.getIndexType());
String tblStats = tbl.getStats(true); System.out.println(tblStats);

TableEnv te = bdb.getTableEnv("mynormal_table", 0);
if(te != null) 

//put data 
String k1 = "key1";
String v1 = "this is value 1";
if(tbl.put(k1, v1.getBytes(), InsertOptions.INSERT_UNIQUE, null) < 0) { 
    System.out.println("put failed");
    flag = false; 
    System.out.println("put successful");

System.out.println("num of items in the table = " + tbl.count());

byte[] rv1 = tbl.get(k1, null);
String rv1_s = new String(rv1);
if(!rv1_s.equals(v1)) { 
    System.out.println("get failed - value mismatch. got [ "+new String(rv1)+" ] expected [ "+v1+" ]"); 
    flag = false;

String k2 = "key2"; String v2 = "this is value 2";
if(tbl.put(k2, v2.getBytes(), InsertOptions.INSERT_UNIQUE, null) < 0) { 
    System.out.println("put 2 failed"); flag = false;
    System.out.println("put 2 successful");

byte[] rv2 = tbl.get(k2, null);
String rv2_s = new String(rv2);
if(!rv2_s.equals(v2)) { 
    System.out.println("get failed - value 2 mismatch. got [ "+rv2_s+" ] expected [ "+v2+" ]");
    flag = false; 

ScanFilter sf = new ScanFilter();
ResultSet rs = tbl.scan(null, k1, k2, sf, null);
while(rs.hasNext()) { 
    System.out.println("key = " + rs.getNextKeyStr() + ", val = " + rs.getNextValStr());

if(tbl.del(k1, null) < 0) { 
    System.out.println("del failed");
    flag = false;

if(tbl.get(k1, null) != null) {
    System.out.println("got deleted data, get failed");
    flag = false;

// now create normal table with long key
BangDBTable tbl2 = bdb.getTable("normal_table2", te, OpenType.OPENCREATE);
if(tbl2.put(1, "long value 1".getBytes(), InsertOptions.INSERT_UNIQUE, null) < 0) { 
    System.out.println("put failed"); 
    flag = false;

System.out.println("get val = " + new String(tbl2.get(1, null))); rs = tbl2.scan(null, 1, 1, sf, null); 

while(rs.hasNext()) { 
    System.out.println("key = " + rs.getNextKeyLong() + ", val = " + rs.getNextValStr()); 

if(tbl2.del(1, null) < 0) { 
    System.out.println("del long failed");
    flag = false; 

if(tbl.get(1, null) != null) { 
    System.out.println("got long deleted data, get failed"); 
    flag = false; 