The docker images are available publicly for use. it's available at the Docker hub
The docker file is available at Github as well.

Steps to run BangDB using the docker image (Non-SSL)

Pull the docker image

docker pull bangdb/bangdb-server

Run the docker image

docker run -it --name bangdb --volume=data:/bin/data --volume=logdir:/bin/logdir -p 18080:18080 -p 10101:10101 --ulimit nofile=300000:300000 --ulimit nproc=100000:100000 --ulimit core=-1 --memory="4g" --memory-swap="4g" --cpus="4" -d bangdb/bangdb-server

Check the running container

docker ps

Get inside the container and run cli (command line interface)

docker exec -it <container_id> bash


docker exec -it bangdb bash

Go to cli folder

cd cli

Run the cli


The cli will display a banner like this

Install and run BangDB server 2.0

Steps to run BangDB using the docker image (SSL)

Since BangDB requires ssl certificate (cert.pem and key.pem) files, and these are provided by the user, therefore we must build the image by supplying these files.

To do this, first get the Dockerfile from the Github


Now, create a folder (in the same dir where Dockerfile is kept) names "certificate"

mkdir certificate

Copy cert.pem and key.pem files in the “certificate” folder. Please note, the names need to be exactly as stated

Finally, build the docker image of BangDB in ssl mode using your own certificate files

docker build -t bangdb-server-ssl/2.0

You can check the image using following command

docker images

In the end, run BangDB

docker run -it --name bangdb-ssl --volume=data:/bin/data --volume=logdir:/bin/logdir -p 18080:18080 -p 10101:10101 --ulimit nofile=300000:300000 --ulimit nproc=100000:100000 --ulimit core=-1 --memory="4g" --memory-swap="4g" --cpus="4" -d bangdb-server-ssl/2.0

You can run the cli by getting inside the container

docker exec -it bangdb-ssl bash
cd cli

To run using yaml chart or on openshift, please see Cloud pak for data