Follow these steps to link a lead successfully:

  1. Click on the Get Started tab.
  2. Get Started tab - BangDB
  3. Click on My Lead Pipelines.
  4. My Lead Pipelines - BangDB
  5. Select any project from the list.
  6. Select Project - BangDB
  7. Select any lead from the list.
  8. Select Lead - BangDB
  9. Click on the Link button from the Lead Detail Page.
  10. Click Link Button - BangDB
  11. After clicking, a Link Popup will appear.
  12. Link Popup - BangDB
  13. Fill in all required details in the Linking Popup.
  14. Fill Details - BangDB
  15. Click on the Submit button.
  16. Submit Button - BangDB
  17. Upon submission, you will see a confirmation message: "Link Added Successfully".
  18. Link Added Successfully - BangDB
  19. To view linked lead details, click on the linked lead from the Lead Detail Page.
  20. View Linked Lead - BangDB
  21. A popup will open displaying the linked lead details.
  22. Linked Lead Details Popup - BangDB