Lead and Premium Lead in BangDB CRM
BangDB captures leads automatically when visitors visit and perform some actions. There could be few leads which are a bit more likely to convert than the others. Therefore, it makes sense to differentiate between them.
BangDB designates some of the leads as premium leads based on certain logic which is configurable. The default logic is as follows:
1. Lead
When a visitor submits a form. BangDB captures all form data submitted by users on websites combined with the other clickstream data and stores these in Lead CRM.
2. Premium Lead
When a visitor performs sequential actions on the website. Such as the default logic is when a visitor submits a form and within 90 seconds (configurable) clicks on the call button and makes a call. Clearly, this visitor is more likely a premium than a normal lead, therefore BangDB stores such leads in the "PremiumLead CRM".
You can customize these logic for different use cases to generate Premium Leads based on specific user actions or time frames.